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时间:2024-05-12 21:01:39    来源:中国通讯社    作者:李燕    


  中国通讯社四川讯(特约记者 李燕)在2024年成都世园会的繁花盛景中,眉山园如诗如画,静静地诉说着千年的文脉与生态之美。这是一座可以被阅读的自然生态人文馆,透过苏东坡的诗意视角,我们得以一窥眉州的生态画卷。jc8中国通讯社




























   Meishan Garden: An Ecological Scroll in the Poetic Charm of Dongpo, the Chinese Cultural Fragrance in the World Horticultural Expojc8中国通讯社

   Among the splendid scenery of the 2024 Chengdu World Horticultural Expo, Meishan Garden stands as a picturesque and poetic representation, quietly narrating the millennium of cultural heritage and ecological beauty. This is a natural ecological and cultural museum that can be read, offering a glimpse into the ecological scroll of Meishan through the poetic perspective of Su Dongpo.jc8中国通讯社

   Stepping into Meishan Garden is like passing through the door of time at Wawushan, with the design of the cultural door leading visitors to explore the traces of history. Dongpo Fang, with its dynamic "path winding like a trained python, slope hanging like a reclining turtle," and the seclusion of "forests end, mountains clear, bamboo hides the wall," interprets the reclusive beauty of Meishan Garden. The bamboo-leaf-shaped Dongpo Fang, resembling two bamboo leaves falling on the Min River, is a fusion of traditional bamboo art and modern architecture, creating a unique cultural landmark of Meishan. Inside the museum, the industrial development and humanistic ecology of Meishan are interwoven, becoming the narrator of the city's story, a cultural station, and a living room for humanities.jc8中国通讯社

   Mr. Liu Weibing, an expert on historical culture from the China Cultural Heritage Protection Foundation, a member of the Sichuan Provincial Committee, and the chief designer of the Meishan Garden at the World Horticultural Expo, said: "The great poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You, praised the hometown of Dongpo when he traveled to Meishan: 'This place is pregnant with wonders and stores elegance, a city of poetry and books for a thousand years,' and the city of a thousand years of poetry and books is the theme closely followed by the site selection and design of Meishan Garden. We aim to explore the millennium of historical and cultural context of Meishan from Dongpo's perspective, using imagery to showcase the poetic charm of the 'ancient land of scenic beauty' to the world."jc8中国通讯社

   "One cannot live without bamboo," a line from Dongpo's poetry, is transformed into the artistic conception of the Wuzhu Pavilion, where the shadows of bamboo sway, telling the indissoluble bond between literati and bamboo. Bamboo, with its character of sifting the wind and playing with the moon, symbolizes the noble quality of a gentleman, reflecting the Chinese nation's admiration for noble virtues.jc8中国通讯社

   Following the memory of the hometown, Liu Weibing slowly unfolds the memory of "the western Sichuan forest," where "one cannot live without bamboo" is a unique cultural sentiment of the Chinese people. "Do not listen to the sound of the leaves being hit by the wind through the forest, why not chant and walk slowly? With a bamboo stick and straw sandals, lighter than a horse, who is afraid? A life of misty rain and drizzle." Su Shi expressed the open-minded and free-spirited character of Chinese literati.jc8中国通讯社

   Whether it is the Dongpo Bamboo Fang with "paths winding like a trained python, slopes hanging like a reclining turtle," or the Dongpo Forest with "forests end, mountains clear, bamboo hides the wall," the creativity stems from the cultural connotations of Dongpo. Although the entire garden architecture does not have a traditional style, it possesses the natural charm of Western Sichuan gardens and the beauty of Dongpo's "hidden in the middle." It is depicted with contemporary simple brushwork.jc8中国通讯社

   The exquisite poetic living scenes present to the world the rare cultural carrier of homesickness in the world - the western Sichuan bamboo forest, constructing the Chinese cultural benchmark of the "thousand-year city of poetry and books."jc8中国通讯社

   Yongmei Garden, with the phrase "cold smoke and wet snow, plum blossoms are present, and when smiling, they still carry the fragrance of the ridge plum," symbolizes the tenacity and optimism of plum blossoms, just like Dongpo's open-mindedness and optimism in adversity. The Jusheng Garden, borrowing the phrase "chrysanthemum dim, lotus withered, frost in one night, new buds and green leaves shine in the forest light," shows the tenacity and rebirth of life. jc8中国通讯社

   Walking into this ecological scroll of Dongpo's poetic charm, what is presented is the unique thinking of the chief designer Liu Weibing: firstly, the site is located on the Jiangxi River bank at the main venue of the World Horticultural Expo, creating an imagery of "My family is on the Shu River, and the river water is as green as blue" themed Dongpo poetic living scene, expressing in an unconventional way. Combining the shape of Wawushan, the "Meishan Cultural Door" is naturally majestic, shaped with red sandstone. The "handful of Min River water" created according to the terrain sets off the "natural texture, horizontal posture" of Meishan Garden.jc8中国通讯社

   There are a total of eight landscapes in the garden: Dongpo Fang, Dongpo Forest, Wuzhu Pavilion, Jusheng Garden, Ruilian Pond, East Garden, West Garden, and Mei Garden, elaborating on the essence of Dongpo's ecological garden concept: "Innovating within the rules, and placing wonderful principles beyond the unrestrained."jc8中国通讯社

   Meishan Garden is an exquisite interpretation of the ecological civilization of the western Sichuan forest, with bamboo weaving as the finishing touch, integrating the traditional art of Qing Shen bamboo weaving into contemporary gardens, connecting ancient and modern times, and communicating with the world.jc8中国通讯社

   This is a poetic encounter, an immersion in culture, and a vivid practice of promoting green and low-carbon development; practicing the initiative of using bamboo instead of plastic, the Meishan Garden at the World Horticultural Expo uses only local plants and bamboo from Meishan, truly realizing "letting the bamboo forest become a beautiful landscape of the beautiful countryside in Sichuan!"jc8中国通讯社

   Meishan Garden is waiting for every visitor to savor the ecological and cultural charm that belongs to Dongpo.jc8中国通讯社



值班总编 夏都 责任编辑 严军jc8中国通讯社


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